Sunday, December 21, 2008

Yes it snowed and snowed

Well it snowed and snowed and snowed , i would guess about a good foot or better....the picture above is one that i took from my phone, it is in the corner of my back yard!and of all the pictures I took and yes I took tons, this is my favorite!!!I would of course put them up for alll to see,and my thanksgiving pictures and my just stuff pictures, except i can not, as i need a new cord for my camera.....any ways, I finally got my christmas shopping done...thanks to the weather i am behind... but on the upside this is the first year i will not be doing wrapping on christmaas eve! yea.. well it is late so I must sign off....
night all


Golden To Silver Val said...

Its beautiful isn't it? How would you like 5 months of it? Bwha ha ha ha ha. I'm so sick of this white stuff I could scream. There's over a foot on the ground and we are getting yet ANOTHER 3 inches today. BAH! At least its warmed up a little. Its 10 right now.
I hope your holidays are great and you're with all the ones you love.
Stay safe out there.

Smocha said...

It looks gorgeous poops!

I hope to have the router for my phone by "your" tonight. I shall call you as soon as it's hooked up.

merry Christmas eve!!

Love me

Brad said...

Merry White Christmas to you!

Hope you all have a great time.

Beth said...

Looks really pretty!